Sunday, January 2, 2011

Spotlight on... Hana Kadoyama!

Hana Kadoyama in the Oregon Shakespeare Festival's
Summer Seminar (1996). 

Why acting?
For me the question isn't so much "why acting?" as it is "why theatre," or just, "why make art?" Making art, making theatre connects me to other people and to some big spirit out there in the universe: the force of CREATING and being ALIVE and putting cool stuff into the world. And anything that makes me feel like I can do that is a good thing in my book.

How did you get involved with Shikataganai?
Months ago, Kendra told me that she had written a new play and would I be in it? I was thrilled to have the opportunity to work with Kendra and excited to be working on a play that is so much about my family's history (I have two grandparents who were in the internment camps). And then we ended up here!

What is your favorite word?
Hana Kadoyama with Thin Man Theatre's
Hallie Flanagan Project (March 2010).
strašný- it means "terrible" or "terribly" in Czech

What turns you on?
Making cool stuff with cool people.

What turns you off?

What sound or noise do you love?
My sister's laugh.

What sound or noise do you hate?
The clips of people cutting their nails.

What is your favorite curse word?
FUCK! (said with gumption, used with discretion)

What do you plan to do with your life?
Stage manage, make some cool stuff, live.

What profession would you NOT like to do?
Work for Wal-Mart.

Why is theatre necessary?
Anything that gives humans a positive, creative way to connect and communicate with other humans is necessary.

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